Trying to Gain Muscle…

I know I talk alot about maintaining and not losing.   I’m trying to focus on getting healthy instead of just thin.  I want to be strong and fit.

The past few weeks have been more about getting fitter and less about staying the same.  While I’m not really trying to lose weight, I’m trying to lose fat and gain muscle, so I guess in a way the scale’s gotta move!  This morning was 146.4.

I ate a lot yesterday, so I was surprised, but after looking at what I’ve been doing this weekend. No wonder.   I was tired Saturday, but really tired Sunday night.
My plan was to ski longer last night, but I hit a wall and needed to rest.

Here’s what’s been going on:

2/10 Yesterday: power yoga, ski for 1 1/2 hours  (no lines, lotsa runs)
2/9 Saturday: yoga, “booty” camp, FIT Challenge (with my sister!), ski
2/8 Friday: nothing
2/7 Thursday: Boot camp – lots of medicine ball ab exercises
2/6 Weds: Spinning
2/5 Tues: Boot camp – run/lunge type exercises
2/4 Mon: Spinning
2/3 Sunday: Yoga morning, Zumba night
2/2 Saturday: Boot Camp, Spinning
2/2 Friday: nothing
2/1 Thursday: Boot Camp

The FIT challenge had a lot of rowing. I’m the one in the blue shirt on the mat and my sister is in the red with the blue headband.
plank to lungeWe didn’t realize that we’d be doing the FIT Challenge until after we’d already done 2 classes.  So lunch was very very welcome!

It was very fun getting together with her, seeing her gym, meeting her workout friends and spending time together. Even though it’s a 1 1/2 drive.

My weekly schedule for exercise at this point:
Basically Tues/Thursday is boot camp.  Monday/Wed/Sat is Spinning. Yoga on Sunday.  Zumba maybe – Sat/Tues.  Ski -when I can.
When I go swimming, I don’t count it, because its just hanging out stretching not exercising.

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